Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Love Surrounding Us

We are unbelievably humbled and in awe of the love and blessing that has surrounded us in this time of trial. There are so many people to thank.  So many people who have loved on us, cared for us, sacrificed for us, given to us, stayed with us, prayed with us, and prayed for us.

My husband is amazing.  I can't even begin to describe how much he has done and is still doing to make life continue happening--sleepless nights, hours of phone calls coordinating meals and rides to the doctor and visits and care for our children while he's at work, not to mention everything he does to take care of me and the kids. He is so thoughtful and attentive.  He is kind and caring. He has worked incredibly hard to convert the house into a place that works for me to get around in and be present with the kids--he even moved our bed down to the living room since I can't climb stairs. He is a constant source of love and joy and laughter and prayer and help and strength and trust. And he is so incredibly encouraging to me.  I am so thankful for him.

My parents and family have been a huge source of strength, constantly praying for us, encouraging us, sending beautiful flowers and practical help and fun projects to do with the kids, and planning trips to come from Maine as soon as they are able.  

To both of our parents and siblings and extended families and church and community group, for all of your love and thoughts and prayers and care--we love you and we thank you.  

One incredible friend has spent many nights here with our kids during our hospital stay and have up time with her own family to love on ours in such a tangible way. She has also been sacrificing incredible amounts of time coordinating a meal train for us, and working with Sean and another amazing friend to keep a schedule where people can sign up for time slots to come here during the day to help with the kids and with keeping up the house.  Thank you.

Loving friends and family have blessed us with financial gifts that are helping so very much since I am unable to work. Thank you.

One amazing friend spent hours and hours with me in the hospital immediately after already having worked two night shifts in a row. She even gave me a much needed sponge bath. Now, THAT is friendship! Thank you.

Another friend packed care bags for us, spent many late, late hours with us again and again in the hospital, and took our kids on fantastic adventures. Thank you.

Wonderful family and friends have sent the most beautiful flowers--they so brighten up the house and I love thinking of you when I look at them. Thank you. 

Another friend is giving up so much time to drive Ava to and from school--and Ava loves it!! Thank you.

Dozens of people have made delicious meals for us and even more have signed up on the Meal Train to make future meals. Thank you for going out of your way to bring them all the way out to us and for the wonderful gift it is to not have to worry about dinner at the end of the day (or even lunches with all of the great leftovers!!). Thank you.

So many people have sacrificed time and energy to come to our house during the day while Sean is gone, to help with the kids and with keeping the house.  The same goes for all of the people who have been bringing me to all of my appointments with doctors.  Thank you.

So many have offered prayers and have called and have sent encouraging letters and messages and cards and books and Bible verses. Thank you for sharing your hearts.

Numerous people have purchased groceries for us.  So many thanks. 

Some of our friends knew that the dairy and soy allergy-friendly formula that Jack would need, since I could no longer nurse him, was very expensive, and they offered to buy his formula for us. What a beautiful blessing! Thank you.

We're feeling God's strength in undeniable ways. We grieve a life that felt so much easier before, and we trust the One who will carry us through what lies ahead. He makes beauty from ashes.

And I am thanking God for everything that He has prepared for us in the days ahead, because He doesn't say to just give thanks when everything goes well, or when we are healthy, or when life makes sense, or when we feel like we have control over our feet as we trek through this life; He says, "Rejoice always. Pray continually. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you," (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). And that is what we are determined to do. Thank you all for walking this road beside us.

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