Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Before I Said a Word...

God awed me, yesterday, with the sweetest glimpse of His nearness and His care and His attention to detail.

I was on my way into physical therapy, with a Topsider on my left foot and just a sock on my right.  (We've been wondering if some great store will give me half-price on my next shoe purchase since I really only need the left one...)  It's fall in western New York, and the thermometer outside isn't going to be rising any time soon, so I was thinking that I needed to add "warm socks and soft booties" to my list of things to get.  It probably wouldn't be wise to risk adding frostbite to my purple toes!!

It was a passing thought. I worked through my physical therapy and forgot all about it.  

I forgot, that is, until the mail arrived, just as we got back home.  Inside an envelope addressed to me from a dear relative was a cheery card covered in sunflowers, along with a check.  The note said: "I hope you can buy some new fuzzy warm socks..."

It was mailed several days before.  Unbelievable.  Well, actually, it's totally believable: "your Father knows what you need before you ask Him," (Matthew 6:8 NIV).  What is this love, so richly poured out on me?! That He is so present, that He hears my heart and my thoughts and my voice, and He knows what I need before I even utter a word about it.  Gracious God--You are beyond amazing. 

Every moment.  He's right there in every moment.  Before every moment, even.  "Before a word is on my tongue, You know all about it, Lord," (Psalm 139:4 HCSB).

So, I got some fuzzy warm socks...

...and some soft, warm shoes that I can wear on BOTH feet when I go outside.  I hadn't even asked for them, and God provided. 

"And my God will meet every need of yours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus," (Philippians 4:19 NIV).

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