Thursday, December 25, 2014

Letters for Christmas

In lieu of our usual run-down-the-stairs-with-excitement-Christmas-morning, we were in the car, with twelve hours of driving ahead of us.  It's ok--both the running and the stairs would have been out of the equation for me this year anyway, and we were on the way to visit my family!

We've been rejoicing this week because my right arm has been doing much better.  I've been able to hold my kids without much reservation at all--such a gift.  One thing that I am still unable to do, however, is write with my hand.  

I've been longing to write.  I love to letter and to paint and to sketch.  In the past couple of weeks, I've regained most of the strength in my right arm and hand, which is a huge blessing.  But I still can't grip a pen.  

When Sean and I were dating, we lived fourteen hours away from each other.  Our phone plans were expensive, he was busy in college, and I was busy in grad school.  To stay connected, we spent months writing letters back and forth.  He used to write that he was "joyfully anticipating" the days when we would see each other face-to-face.  

The words are all memories in a box, now, and he brought them back to create the most incredible gift for me.  He searched the letters I had written to him for all of the uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet, in multiple forms.  Then, he hired a freelancer to help him with the rest. 

On Christmas morning, he handed me an envelope that contained a kind of letter I never would have expected or imagined. He turned my very own handwriting into a graphic font for the computer.

Now, I can hand-write without my hand--in my very own style.  Isn't he so thoughtful and wonderful?!  I sure do love that man!!

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