Well, my good friend Dezirae is one of those surprises. She is a serious gift to me. Our friendship took off during the time when she selflessly committed every Monday to me, every week, for more than ten months. She came over without fail to help with my kids, with my housework, and to take care of me when CRPS had me at my lowest.
During those months, Dez made countless peanut butter sandwiches for our combined five kids. And believe me, it's not because she lacks creativity. It's because my children would survive on bowls full of peanut butter if they were allowed.
Two-thirds of my children, that is.
My oldest is ok with peanut butter. But what she really loves is grilled cheese. Grilled cheese that's not really grilled, and that has to be on the heel of the bread. So, Dezirae made countless peanut butter sandwiches, along with just as many un-grilled cheese sandwiches on the heel of the bread.
When I got my legs back underneath me and school started shortly afterwards, we stopped getting to see each other as much as before. But a couple of weeks ago, we were having a playdate with our kids. Lunch time was on its way, and while I changed a diaper in the other room, Dez got out the ingredients to make sandwiches.
When I came into the kitchen to help, she said,
"All of the peanut butter sandwiches are right here. I saved the heel for Ava's grilled cheese sandwich."
And in that moment, I was beautifully reminded of how much it means to be thought of. To be remembered. To be known.
Has something like that happened to you recently? Has there been a moment when you felt truly known?
I'm so in awe of the way the Bible tells us that the very same God who determines the number of the stars and calls each one by name (Psalm 147:7) knows and thinks about and cares deeply for me and for you.
"When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers,He made us to be know Him. To be known by Him. We were created for divine affection by the God of the Universe, who is farther than the farthest galaxy and closer than your skin. The God who knows the number of hairs on your head and how you like your sandwiches.
the moon and the stars which you have set in place,
what is mankind that you are mindful of them,
human beings that you care for them?"
(Psalm 8:3-4)
I love knowing that He cares about the little details. That they matter to Him.
He gives us such beautiful glimpses of what it means to be known by Him in some of the smallest, most seemingly-insignificant things. Things like un-grilled cheese sandwiches on the heel of the bread.
On November 25th, I'm launching ToChooseJoy.com along with an amazing team.
- It's all about pointing you to the Truth and helping you to focus on it.
- For strength.
- For resilience.
- And so that you can experience true joy in every step.
It's the new home for my blog. It's also home to a shop where you can find Scripture-based wall art. And, the thing I'm most excited about, is that we're producing interactive, video-based Bible studies with digital workbooks that you can take with you anywhere, and listen to on-the-go.
Everyone's life looks different, and we want to give you some tools so that you can strategically place the Truth in your unique life where you need it most.
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Life is hard, and we want to walk the road with you.